Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Saying No...

Just as I was leaving for circuit class my gorgeous 11 year old nephew called to ask if he could pop in for some help with his maths homework....deep breath....sorry but I'm on my way to my exercise class....deep breath..I hate saying no !!! Bless him though as he replied...'don't worry Aunty Jayney I know how well you're doing with exercise....we'll look it up on the internet!!'
And so I made sure I put my all into my skipping, running and star jumping in honour of saying NO to homework help !!! A great start to my blogging week and tomorrow is weigh in day...watch this space....
Stability ball next .....


  1. My god, you're good. Not only having the strength and focus to say no, not only for actually going to a circuits class (an inspiration), but for having the ability to help an 11 year old with maths. Undying respect from a largely innumerate co-blogger.


  2. You were great at Circuit this evening!

  3. Fantastic, well done you -- you HAVE to say no, you obviously work so hard, and give so much -- JUST SAY NO!!
