Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Out of my comfort zone...

Having survived the circuit class tonight I felt compelled to 'blog' (if that is indeed a verb!!??).....as Rachel and Karen will also testify to...tonight's class was tough!! In the shock of surviving I have forgotten the lovely man's name who covered for Wendy tonight, but rest assured those of you who worked your butts off with Wendy last night, there was no light relief for any of us tonight!!
Now basically I always panic when there is running involved and sure enough there was plenty of that in the warm up....having said that I kept going other than a few necessary breathers and felt myself gradually moving outside my comfort zone and not collapsing!!! He then cleverly had us working in groups of 4 and we soon realised that we were pushing ourselves even further than when we go it alone around the circuit. Thanks to the moral support of those around me I made it to the end of the class and right now am heading for a long long bath.
Of course as usual exercise did the best possible thing for me which was totally remove the stress of a difficult day so that I can start again tomorrow with fresh eyes...oh and by the way I lost 1.5 lbs this week...going down ....


  1. well done! isn't it interesting that this week seems a little harder than last week? Keep going, you're obviously doing very well.

  2. Well done Jayne on more weight loss as I know how hard it is once you have lost lots already. It must have been Monday and Tuesday's hard classes that did it, as I have also lost 2lbs which is fab. Jayne you are very focused and I have great admiration for you coming to so many class after heading a school. You are brillaint keep up the good work. Karen x
